Upcoming events

Tour Cole's Book Arcade at Dymocks Melbourne
Step back in time to visit the grandest bookshop in the world! This Love Your Bookshop Day, Dymocks Melbourne will transform into Cole’s Book Arcade, right on part of the original site.
I’ll be your guide to the Palace of Intellect on this all-ages tour that explores Melbourne history through photos, colourful displays, and the very stones beneath your feet. And don’t forget to bring me your books to sign afterwards!
Regional tour - Booktique Albury
Join me at Booktique Albury to hear the surprising and absurd true story of how Edward William Cole made his fortune in 19th-century Australia.
Further details TBC soon.

Meet the Author at Mary Martin Bookshop
Join me for a puzzling afternoon and a history chat! Come for cupcakes and stay to get your books signed. This is a casual drop-in event, so don’t worry if you can’t come at 2 on the dot. Can you solve tangrams - the traditional Chinese puzzle?
Free event, RSVPs appreciated via the Mary Martin website.

The Lost Book of Magic: Melbourne Launch Party!
Join Amelia Mellor, the award-winning author of The Grandest Bookshop in the World and The Bookseller’s Apprentice, to celebrate the release of The Lost Book of Magic. The high stakes finale in the middle grade series will have you staying up well past your bedtime to discover how the story ends!
Tickets free, places limited. Get them here!

Hear me on the radio!
Tune in to 774 ABC Melbourne: Victorian Afternoons at 1pm, when I’ll be discussing E.W. Cole and Melbourne history with Trevor Chappell.

Book Week: Bookings Available
My Book Week calendar is filling fast — but I’m still available for the adjacent weeks!
Contact Lamont Authors or Booked Out to schedule your students’ writing workshop or history talk!

The Lost City of Melbourne: Screening and Q&A at the Williamstown Literary Festival
Join us for a screening of this fascinating documentary about the bulldozing of Melbourne’s historic architecture, and stay for my Q&A with film-maker Gus Berger and author Robyn Annear.

Williamstown Literary Festival: Creative Research
Learn how to glean interesting and lively details from non-fiction sources and imbue your writing with magic and history from its inception! A fun, hour-long workshop for fiction writers of all genres.
Book now - places are limited!
Adelaide Writers' Week
Learn about the history of my Grandest Bookshop Trilogy and my process for creating it! View the rest of the fabulous line-up here and catch all of your favourites from Alison Lester to Jessica Townsend. All events on Young Readers’ Day are free.

Eltham Bookshop Writing Lab
North-Eastern suburbs: come and meet me at Eltham’s Grandest Bookshop! We'll play with story structure, share afternoon tea, and have a little reading from The Bookseller’s Apprentice!
10 Arthur Street Eltham
3-4pm Sunday 27 August 2023
The entry charge of $25.00 includes a paperback copy of my books, or a $12 gift voucher and afternoon tea.
Book via
(03) 9439 8700 or https://elthambookshop.com.au/c/our-author-events
I'll see you there!

Book Week 2023
CBCA Book Week 2023 is filling up fast - as are the surrounding weeks when many schools carry on their own literary celebrations!
I’m a lively presenter and former teacher, best suited to Years 4-7. Reserve your in-person or virtual session via Booked Out, or via Lamont Authors to order my books as well.

Williamstown Literary Festival
Grab your tickets to my session at the Williamstown Literary Festival now! On the afternoon of Sunday the 18th of June, I'll be chatting with author Irma Gold about the history and phenomenal success of The Grandest Bookshop in the World and the rest of the trilogy.
And be sure to check out the rest of the ‘Willy Lit Fest’ program. There's something for everyone - even a mid-winter swim!

Workshop - Williamstown Literary Festival
Discover new sources of inspiration, learn to make your novel or memoir richer, and get savvy about protecting your IP and business interests in this comprehensive workshop.
Don’t forget to bring something to write with, and a unique item to write about in the Creative Springboard exercise. Book here!

Rewriting History: Sydney Writers' Festival
Tickets are on sale now for the Sydney Writers’ Festival!
On Sunday the 28th of May, I'll be joining Katrina Nannestad (author of ‘We Are Wolves’ and ‘Rabbit, Angel, Soldier, Thief’) at Carriageworks to discuss historical fiction for primary-aged readers.
Book this event now and save up to 15% when you book multiple events.
See you soon, Sydney!

Clunes Booktown Festival
Book now for the kids’ literature panel at Clunes Booktown Festival!

Meet the author — Mary Martin Bookshop
Play my Christmas Treasure Hunt and get your books signed! Catch me at Mary Martin Bookshop, Southgate Shopping Centre, Southbank, Melbourne.

Meet the author — Mary Martin Bookshop
This Saturday afternoon, when you play my Christmas Treasure Hunt, you can also say hello to its creator (moi!) and have your books signed! Catch me at Mary Martin Bookshop, Southgate Shopping Centre, Southbank, Melbourne.

Christmas Treasure Hunt - Melbourne CBD, with Mary Martin Bookshop!
This Christmas season, play an exciting game of riddles and hidden messages as you explore the streets of Magical Melbourne.
Bookings aren’t required and it’s free to play!

Kids’ Book Fest: Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library
The Little Bookroom presents The Bookseller’s Apprentice!
Join me on Sunday afternoon to draw, solve puzzles and get your books signed at the North Fitzroy Library. The Little Bookroom is the wonderful children’s bookshop behind this event and they will have The Grandest Bookshop in the World and The Bookseller’s Apprentice available for purchase.
It’s going to be a great day of family fun and there will be lots of other events for kids of all ages, too. Register here!

Mount Beauty Writers' Festival
Schools in Alpine Victoria: don’t miss the Mount Beauty Writers’ Festival!

Release Day: The Bookseller’s Apprentice
The Bookseller’s Apprentice will be available in all good Australian bookshops from Tuesday the 27th of September! Order it from your local indie bookshop now, or via Booktopia here.
CBCA NSW — Writing Workshop
Join me on Saturday the 30th of July at 3pm for a workshop about the many methods and uses of research in your writing. Hosted with CBCA NSW for Authors for Mental Health.